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Boys' Brigade

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IMG-20180201-WA0027 - Copy

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Boys’ Brigade (BB) is an extra-curriculum that develops the children’s character, teaching them respect, obedience, perseverance and all that tends toward a true Christian character.


BB activities focuses in developing character and leadership. Through drilling, children are taught discipline, attentive and respect.

Outdoor games and many activities found in BB teach children responsibilities, teamwork, courage development and survival skills.

Leadership skill is developed in BB through Leadership Development Course, weekly parades and at BB camps.

BB is suitable for both boys and girls from Grade 3 to Grade 12.

Junior Activities


BB Junior Camp

This camp focuses on developing the junior for their independency. Through games, yells, small squads, and lot of fun activities, we develop their social aspects, their leadership skills, and of course their faith in God. 

BB Jakarta Fun Day

This event can be called as a one day of fun activities where the juniors play different kind of games (more than 10 games). Their critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork are hone on this event, but of course their spiritual aspects are prioritize by preaching God's Word at the beginning of this event.


Senior Activities


BB Drill Camp

BB Leadership Development Course

BB Adventure Camp

BB Malaysian Pesta Camp

BB Singapore Temasek Camp

BB Indonesia Camp Bersama

BB Drill Camp

This camp trains the student competency for discipline. This camp is held every year. This camp have three levels Basic, Intermediate, and Advance; and the camp remains for 3 days and 2 nights. This camp invites all the company throughout the district.


BB Leadership Development Course

This camp is a must for the future BB leaders throughout Indonesia. This camp trains the student on the aspects that a leader is expected. Discipline, creativity, teamwork, submission, and diligence are essential parts of this camp. This camp have two levels Basic and Advance, and remain for 3 days and 2 nights every year. This camp invites all the company throughout Indonesia.

BB Adventure Camp

This camp equips the student with necessary skills regarding the survival skills. Knots, cooking, pitch tents, hiking, and many more were packed together in this camp. This camp have two classes Basic and Intermediate; and remains for 3 days and 2 nights. Each BB districts invites all their company to participate in this camp.

BB Malaysian Pesta Camp

This camp requires the student to perform something. For example: dance, music, or marching band. This camp is held once every 2 years.

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